Why Do People Think This Is Okay?


Before I had kids, I certainly experienced moments lamenting sitting next to upset, crazy or scream-o-crying children. I would glance over and hope, nay pray, they’d quiet down. Screaming kids and babies can feel grating to your soul. Hell, I would huff under my breath or roll my eyes, judgmentally.

It’s frustrating to be near crying kids, especially when you don’t have kids yourself and haven’t had to calm them down. Kids angry-cry. It’s kind of their thing sometimes. So when you’re on an airplane, that experiences seems to amplify.

But Adults angry-cry, too. Lately, I’ve wondered if there’s that much of a difference, at least watching people converse on social media, between playground fights and online discussions. Historically, we’d call that childishness because that’s essentially where the term came from. Kids struggle an inability to withhold emotional outbursts and it’s often attributed to being child-like. We should know that’s just part of the deal. Right?

But then an adult screams back at a child in this video and I’m not sure why this is seen as good or tactful. Fair warning: it may piss you off.

The top comments on the video statements said things like:
“God I hate kids”
“oh my god, please just eject these stupid kids from the airline already. what the fuck.”
“Man if I was on tha tplane I’d tune up the band and just fucking superkick the kid out of the window.”

Okay, cool. I get the anti-breeder sentiment, and hell, I know a lot of parents that silently cuss out their kids when they’ve had a bad day or got tired of dealing with the insanity of parenting. But for all arguing, we were all screaming kids once. I should hope that we’d treat kids with some respect. Otherwise they could turn into douche canoes that scream at kids because they can’t seem to adult-the-fuck-up and either: A. Help the parent out, B. Ask to move their seat like a grownup, or C. Put some goddamn ear plugs in, ask for a couple of tiny bottle of Jack Daniels and go to sleep for the duration of the flight.

You have more options than those kids or parents do. Don’t forget that. Plus, you just look like an idiot when you hate on kids. And shoot vertical video.

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