Tag: Travel

A Toddler’s Guide to Being a Helpful Passenger


Driving with kids can be rough. Quite often “rough” like wearing a potato sack for underwear on a 10 mile marathon. They really do make it interesting at any age. When they’re little bundles of burps, it can be surprise diaper blowouts, random screaming and begging for you to hand them this, that and everything. […]

Why Do People Think This Is Okay?


Before I had kids, I certainly experienced moments lamenting sitting next to upset, crazy or scream-o-crying children. I would glance over and hope, nay pray, they’d quiet down. Screaming kids and babies can feel grating to your soul. Hell, I would huff under my breath or roll my eyes, judgmentally. It’s frustrating to be near […]

Travel the World in 3 Minutes

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

My childhood was filled with experiences that shaped my understanding of the world. As we traveled, the canvas of my life was stretched wider and more broadly. It’s hard to convince someone they should see more of the world when they’re comfortable where they are. More often than not, we’re just trying to overcome our […]

Places I Want To Live: Treehouses in Sweden

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

I wanted to start a series about places I would love to live, or where I dream about one day settling down one day. Episode one, today, is in Sweden. It’s a really cool idea. I’ve always loved forests and the trees. Always. I may be part elf. I haven’t done the DNA test yet. […]

That Time We Almost Didn’t Come Back

Posted under NOTEBOOK

They say the sea was where we started. And some of us yearn to go home. My father, when I was a boy, always talked about buying a boat, teaching us some knots and setting out toward the sunset. He would come back from a trip to the Caribbean and other glassy, warm waters, and […]

6 Crazy Stages of Gambling on a Cruise

Posted under NOTEBOOK

The rad people at Carnival Cruise Lines paid my way and sent me on a voyage to the Caribbean last week, so I could showcase all the fun and frolic available at sea on their cruise line, but something unimaginably crazy happened… The cruise was very rad, food, fun, drinks, sun, blah blah blah, but […]

My Wife Just Said

My Wife Just Said… #205

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

“Have a safe flight!” -Elizabeth   She says it every time I travel. Lots of peolpe do. It’s kind of just… what’s said. Like people saying “How’s it going.” as a sort of greeting without it really being an actual inquiry into how your day or life is going. It’s something that’s said to say […]

Uber for Parents

Posted under NOTEBOOK

I can’t tell if technology is helping or hurting us. Hell, if Stephen Hawking is worried about the ability of a sentient technology to “design improvements to itself and outsmart us all” — then I’m frigging scared. Well, I think it’s high time we make technology our parenting bitch. Let’s start with transportation because it […]

My Kid Just Said

My Kid Just Called… #35

Posted under "MY KID JUST SAID..."

“Just come home, Dad. [not Daddy!] The cwock says 20:30. Come home now fwom yo twip. Okay good, see you soon, bye.” [Click] -Lucas (2013, 4.5 years old)   I was in Mississippi on the last day of a short work-caytion. I talked to the little lad multiple times each day, but he was still […]

Atlas the Father

Posted under NOTEBOOK

I remember seeing a towering statue when I was traveling through Italy as a young boy. The marble man’s face looked so determined, forehead wrinkled from strain, and his eyes set upon some faraway place. I thought the giant globe perched between his powerful back and open hands would fall at any moment. I couldn’t […]