Kinder – The Playdating App


Finding a good match isn’t just a challenge for adults. Most parents have had bad blind play dates, two sets of unpredictable little kids that turn out to be a circle peg in a square hole.

Now, as they say in this age of modern wonder: there’s an app for that.

Little kids can now browse through profiles in search of a new play pal or possible even their next BFFN (best friend for now).

Swipe left if someone seems like a yucky poo head. Swipe right if they seem nice or fun or good at wiggling.

Even without the ability to read or write, or even speak, once a match is made, kids can use Kinder’s babble-dictate and message-speech feature to communicate with each other and develop a connection before begging their parents incessantly for an in-real-life playdate.

Then their parents can struggle to push the dumpster fires of their schedules together for their kids to meet at a park or play space, so they can share in some good times, snacks, giggles, tantrums, and all of the germs.

With Kinder, finding a good match is simple and easy for toddlers! It’s the best playdating app, because it is literally the only one.


(For those who didn't get it, this is a satirical post 
and the Kinder app does not, in fact, actually exist.)


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