3 Bad Moments in Advertising for Parents

Posted under NOTEBOOK

Advertising has hit an all-new level of weird, guys. Not only are advertisers taking over social networks and the entire internet with paid ads, but sometimes these “marketers” lack in creativity and common sense often found in the hands of thoughtful artists and publishers so much that we are subjected to some really ridiculous media.

Besides the “dumb dad” and “just for moms” messages that we routinely hear, there is just simple “badvertising.”

Here are a things I’ve found while roaming around the internet. If you see any, post them here in the comments or tweet us!! Let’s put a stop to this stuff.

1. KY Playdates


If I called a sexual encounter a “playdate” while whispering to my wife, I would be sent to my room with no dinner. Who thought targeting parents with kid language was hot? Mention kids, who already interrupt things as it is, and the deal is off. Nice one, KY! It’s a slippery slope, we know.

2. Women’s Health is Regular


This isn’t precisely advertising. It’s half-ad, half-article. But it’s seems like a bad run for Women’s Health. I mean sometimes the creative just flows right out of you, but parents are too tired to deal with any more crap.

3. Disney Pixar’s “Inside Out” Bad Dad

Listen, I’m sure the movie will be great. But this trailer/scene was so off-putting. Dads everywhere let out a collective groan on the internet. Sure, some dads suck at, well, life. But this was oversimplified and reductive to a point that made me question Disney’s dedication to nuance. It felt lazy, honestly. Our minds are filled with so much chatter — not just Brazilian pilots and big red buttons.

Anyway, have you seen some bad examples? Send them our way. Tis the season for mediocre outrage and laughter.


  • Amanda says:

    Well, to be fair to Disney, if they tried to make a movie of what’s actually going on in my head, it would be three hours long, rated “R,” and be so disjointed that it would no longer make any sense. Also, the main character would accomplish nothing because she’d be too wrapped up in minor details to realize what was going on in the big picture.

    This is really how my brain works. LOL

    • Heather says:

      Mine would be a bunch of 12 yr old boys snickering at boobies, playing with shiny things, and swearing like sailors while planning a cross country killing spree dressed as Deadpool. And that’s the censored version.

  • BlueFox94 says:

    Totally agree on the INSIDE OUT teaser. I’m a 20-year-old film student at a Catholic university–not even close to being a father–and I was unsettled by how Pixar depicted the parents’s minds.

    I still can’t wait to see it next summer.

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