Rad/Bad Stuff: KILLING FRIGGIN’ BUGS Edition

Posted under NOTEBOOK

I’m outdoorsish. I’m not like Bear Grylls or the Crocodile Hunter though, so I can’t whistle casually while a fly drinks moisture from my eyeballs. Though maybe I could do a shot of my own urine if I was paid enough, but let’s move on.

This spring and summer I’ve been tormented by flying insuckts, so I’m compelled to tell you about some of the things I’ve found as counter-measures online. The good news is, winged bug assassination has come a long way from the nearest magazine or crappy plastic swatters your little kids inevitably and inexplicable find and stick in their mouth.

There are some interesting solutions for the different types of people out there.

The Bug-A-Salt Fly Shotgun

For the Commando


Conventional swatters and rolled-up reading material often leave you winded and frustrated, or in need of a new lamp or other home decoration casualty. To heck with that! Don’t let bugs humiliate you or stain your walls as their final taunt.

You don’t have to be “sporting” when you’re hunting some buzzing turd with wings. Especially if the intruder has a stinger. Now you can just blow them the eff away! Point blank. Just load your BUG-A-SALT shotgun with standard-issue table salt ammo, and >chk-chk< say "hasta la vista, buggy." Get your bug boom stick here


For the Technologist

InaTrap Electronic Insect Killer and Elegant Night Light*
* I didn’t write or edit this product title.

Not sure when Steve Jobs and Papa Smurf met up, but I am sure that when they did, they decided to bring the sweet silent sound of death to bugs AND stylish illumination to your home.

You may be bummed though, if you love hearing the satisfying ZORP! when one of the douchesuckers rides the lightning like they do in a traditional mad scientist’s sizzling bug zapper.

Get it here

Inadays InaTrap



For the Eco-terrorist

Venus Flytrap

If you’re more of a Circle of Life bug assassin, this should be right up your hiking trail. Fight nature with nature. It’s better than fighting things with fire, because fire burns things beyond the things you want it to burn. Trust me on this.

Get your carnivorous plant here


For the Pacifist

Bug Jacket & Bug Pants

It’s not just a saying, there are actually people who “couldn’t hurt a fly.” And it’s safe to assume they’re probably racked with guilt if they kill any insect. Now they can deck themselves out in these stylish net fashions to keep the bugs away while they keep their swooning admirers at bay.

Get your own bug jacket or pants

Bug Pants and Bug Jacket


So there you go. Wherever that is. Hey, at least there might be fewer flying bugs there, right? At least you won’t be pimp slapping yourself as much. Maybe. Ugh.



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Instructional Diagrams
Not at all useful, but totally free.




  • Colton Finch says:

    I got really excited when I saw this post. I have a bug shotgun! I put it on my Amazon wish list a long time ago and then one of my friends randomly bought it for me. It is pretty awesome. Especially for dainty insects like flies and mosquitoes.

    My favorite thing to do with it, however, is to bust it out suddenly when guests are over and season their food from across the table. Freaking hilarious.

    • Colton Finch says:

      I just went to Amazon to check it out, and HOLY CRAP. They got expensive.

    • Andy says:

      I’m so going to use my freshly purchased salt shotgun for dinner! Move over pepper grinder… CHK-CHK! KABLAM!

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