What if Apple made baby products?


Apple Baby Products

Apple would do a great job making baby products. Heck, some babies are already so familiar with iPads, iPhones and iPods that they’ll try to swipe pictures in books and magazines to change them. People generally love the understated minimalism of their style and the overstated maximalism of their features. Attractive attributes to anyone, but especially to parents.

You know the iBottle would probably be outfitted with an accelerometer (the thingy that can tell which way you’re tipping your device), so when your baby drifts off into the sweet bliss of a food coma and the bottle topples over, it wouldn’t create a milk pond in their crib.

How rad would it be to download your baby’s playlists to their iBinky, so you’ve got anywhere access to soothing songs as well as your kid’s mind-bendingly cheery favorites.

Let’s face it, the days of pushing a stroller may soon be done by Siri. Maybe there’ll be an app, or maybe the route you take with your iStroll will just be an added feature to Apple Maps. Um. Maybe that’s not such a good idea.

Whether it gets you drooling or makes your skin crawl, it’s not really difficult to imagine Apple baby products, right? And of course they’d all come in a rainbow of colors options because DUH. Apple!


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They’re like Apple products for your sense of humor.

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