Cinema Paradiso

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

The movie theater is a transformative, magical place that rips you from your life and thrusts you headlong into magic, horror or a state of imaginative dance, once that projector starts. My father loved movies. I remember how he would play them over and over at home. I remember relentlessly trying to get him to stay and watch a whole flick, which, in contrast to the way he drank in movies of his own choosing, was utterly confusing. There was the moment my brother almost choked to death on a Milk Dud and a swift slap on the back dislodged the caramel cork from his throat. He would always point out the architecture of the nicer movie houses, and inevitably force us to stay through the credits, long before the post-movie easter egg existed as a fad. Sometimes, we’d go to a movie theater and he would duck out to go argue with his girlfriend. Or have a smoke. He took us to movies that were inappropriate and sometimes intellectually beyond us, but I still miss our time in those theaters sitting in the silent darkness of a story.

Watching movies in a theater with my son has become one of my favorite ways to pass the time. He sits in his own seat at first but, after a time, he always slinks over and perches himself on my lap so that I become his human Lay-Z-Boy chair. When I place my hands over his heart I can feel it speed up during moments of on-screen tension and slow down when he sits in awe of what he sees. As the credits roll and we re-renter the atmosphere of reality, it hits me that I won’t always get to have this experience. He better get used to unabashed levels of affection. It’s the only way I can fight against time slipping away. To hold on tighter.


  • Bex says:

    I love the magic of the theater, and I’m looking forward to taking my (now 7 week old) daughter to the movies when the time comes.

    • charlie says:

      It can be frustrating if you expect too much out of it, and every kid is different, but it’s a blast.

  • Dave says:

    Love those last lines Charlie. You speak for the masses 😉

  • Larry says:

    I get sucked into the power of movies and enjoy watching them with my children – particularly when we watch those I watched when I was young.
    Cool that you and your son can bond during those times.
    Hold on to the moments.

  • Zach says:

    Well said. There are times at theaters or on a tee-ball field that when my kids just give you that look or that hug you just don’t want it to end. I’m thankful for reminders like this. Thanks.

  • Desiree Fawn says:

    I adore taking my daughter to the theatre. She thinks movies on the big screen are pretty magical and we almost always go as a special date, just the two of us.
    Very sweet moments, that only last a while!

  • Melissa says:

    Our son is 2.5 and we can’t wait to take him to the movies. My husband used to take him before he could walk to give me a break, but now… no way. He just runs around the theater. We’ve been told he won’t be ready until 6. We’re crossing our fingers that it will be sooner than that.

  • Jo says:

    My daughter is 17 and I love watching movies with her, always have! It is quite magical, I agree… It never gets old.

  • Seriously!?!? Awe! Total mom porn with those last thoughts.

  • Jess says:

    Oh Charlie! My hubby was just saying the same thing last night as our 2 year old son snuggled up against him and refused to wake up from his nap. Time does slip away from us too quickly.

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