Gas Rant

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

gas prices funny sign

This is actually a thing for me. I’ve had nightmares. I am not joking. If my wife even mentions the word “gas” my hand will break the sound barrier being held up in a quivering halt gesture, whereupon I will inform her that she is not allowed to continue speaking unless the conversation is about burp or fart gas, but not gas gas! Never gasoline or its “prices.” And by prices I of course mean AAAAUUURHHGHGHH!!!

Hey! You can just squeegee that look off your face right now, okay!!! Unless you’re gritting your teeth along with me, in which case you can set the squeegee down. Sloooowly. I’m already getting myself pretty f##king worked up about this!

I try to warn people, to stop them. From getting me started. I’ll desperately shout, “Don’t get me started! You would not like me if you got me started!” and then I start turning green and my clothes start tearing as my muscles begin bulging… okay maybe it’s more of blushy pink, really, and maybe it’s just a vein in my neck that’s doing the bulging.* And alright, I admit it, I’m the one who’s ripping up my clothes.

* It could be a vein in my forehead, I’ll have to check with my wife which it is. I forget.

Sure it’s possible I may have been seriously over-influenced as a child by the post-apocalyptic Mad Max movies, where gas was like gold. Whatever! The situation is insane pre-apocalyptic! You can all go build a boat out of your judgement and drown! I’M the one who’s gonna have a secret stash of gas if the world collapses and shit gets all sandy and people start dressing like they’re in a speed metal band that raided a sporting goods store! And you know what!?! YOU WILL ALL COME TO ME!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! TO ME! I’LL BE THE ONE THAT KNEW!!! …


I’m gauging from my hyperventilation and profuse sweating that it’s probably best for me to walk away from this conversation at this point.


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Instructional Diagrams Are 0 ¢ a Gallon
But this may not be the case in a post-apocolyptic situation. So check ’em out now!


  • Pete says:

    Think it’s bad in the US? I’ve just checked the range of current prices which seem to be from $4.26 in MN to $3.12 in SC.

    In the UK, the prices are pretty cheap in our area – the equivalent of $7.55/US Gallon for 95 RON and $7.77 for 98 RON and diesel.

    The fuel is taxed, and there’s then VAT (a “luxury” tax) on top of that. they’re taxing our tax!

  • Nicky says:

    In germany right now its roundabout 1,60€ (~2 Dollar) for the liter…
    So yes – you wanted to go on ranting? 😉

    • Lhug says:

      And that’s on an regular day. Personally I’ve seen regular gas (neither the cheap nor the expensive) for even more than that – would be about 8.28 $ per gallon. And pricas are still rising.

      So… are you SURE you want to RANT about high prices? =)

    • Andy says:

      AAAAAAARRRRGGGGG!!! <- in German

  • Colin Reed says:

    YES! I had a Mad Max day-mare driving to Vegas last week with the gas light on and finally succumbing to the nearest “oasis” Shell station for $4.95/gal…tragic, it was…

  • Krista says:

    There is a reason why we drive smaller cars here in Europe – average 8.28 USD per gallon here in Finland too 🙂

    • Andy says:

      Please start screaming with me so I don’t feel so like it’s only me.

  • Laurie says:

    Geez Andy I hope you don’t give yourself a heart attack!

    • Andy says:

      Me too. Soooooo me too. Death by glimpsing a gas price sign is not the way I thought I’d go.

  • Erich says:

    $3.35/gal here in San Antonio for regular.

  • Johnny Dont Dance says:

    In Australia it runs at around $1.40/Litre. 3.75 Litres to the Gallon makes it about $5.29. We think it is high here but compared Europe we are doing OK. The US prices are still pretty low by these standards.

  • Jo says:

    I remember back when gasoline was less than $1 a gallon….those were the days, eh Andy?! Man alive, now you practically have to sell a kidney to fill up the tank! It’s ridiculous if you ask me…I don’t care where you live, gas prices are too high!

    • Andy says:

      I remember the days. I feel bad that soon the famed ROAD TRIP will now be limited to young adventurous people with trust funds. 🙁

  • daddownunder says:

    I feel your pain Andy, well actually I don’t because gas is one of the few things in Australia that doesn’t leave you feeling broke and angry after purchase, deep breaths, count to 10 and then combine 5 of your favourite swear words and let them all go. Better?

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