Your New Name

Posted under NOTEBOOK

Guess which one is a parent who just heard a kid call out?

Chances are high you were born and given a name. Maybe you’ve even repeated the process yourself, and now have a kid of your own.

So, now you’re a dad or a mom. You’ve got a new name now, even before you’re actually able transform one of the little one’s goo-goos or ga-gas into a “Dada” or “Mama.” Or whichever version it winds up being; mother, father, mama, papa, mammy, pappy, etc.

It’s your new name. Your parent name. It’s whatever your kid calls you.

Sigh. It’s amazing. But it’s going to have some side effects, and go through some evolutions.

Aside from your kid simply getting better at saying it, your new parent name can go through some transformations. Ma might transform to Mama and then to Mommy before ultimately becoming Mom, and the same for the versions of Dad. But they’ll all be your names. You’ll respond to them when any voice close in age and tone to your kid says it. And on rare occasions when anyone says it.

Then there’s a phenomenon most parents experience. It’s completely reflexive and there is no solution or cure for it. It’s the self-induced whiplash of turning your head to see who called out your parent name.

Someone says, “Dad.” (Or Mom as the case may be.) And you’re spinning around like a drunken ballerina looking for who said it.

The irony is that in the end. You may form a set of earplugs formed by shear willpower.

“Hey, Dad. … Dad. … Dad! … DAD!!! … DAD-DAD-DAD-DAD!!!!”

And then, their last resort, “ANDY!” ARG!!! Nothing cuts through the filter better than that for me.


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  • WeirdFish says:


    “Phenomena” is plural.

  • Christina says:

    Lol. My husband is frequently called by his first name.

    I have to say, though, that the “Mom! Mom!! Mom!!!” wouldn’t happen nearly so often now if it weren’t for that little stint in 2-land when the toddler would just repeat my name over and over again even after subsequent “Yes?” until finally my “WHAT!?!?!?” rang loud and clear and he would head off running while laughing at me. Because of that, I learned to play deaf.

  • LOL! This is all so true. Funny thing is, my daughter understands that my husband has an actual name beyond “Daddy.” She sometimes uses his given name b/c she thinks it’s funny. But she refuses to believe that I have one. I am Mommy only and nothing is going to change her mind on that.

    • Evonne says:

      Same here for Mr 3 – he was amazed the other day when I told him my real name (not entirely certain he believed me)! For a while we were ‘Daddy’ and ‘Precious’ when Mr 10 was smaller. Didn’t bother to correct him. Hey, I figured might as well enjoy it while I could!

  • Desiree says:

    I never developed the filter. I think. Oh wait, is that my kid, calling me? Uhm… yeah. Gotta go.

  • neal says:

    The double irony is that just when you’ve formed your will-power earplugs to drown out the actual noise, phantom noises will start up. The will-power ear plugs don’t work, because the kid cries aren’t coming from outside. They’re IN YOUR HEAD.

    • Christina says:

      O.M.G. My husband plays a game where the music has this moaning quality to it. So I spend the entire night paranoid that the baby is crying upstairs.

      Yup…Phantom crying = !awesome

  • For me it’s not that it’s said, it’s how it’s said. I’m amazed at how different “Mom” sounds coming from a sweet 6 year old compared to a completely annoyed that I exist 8 year old.

    • Andy says:

      Too true. The tone will produce varying responses on me. If it’s just a casual call out, I’ll look around with the nonchalance of a “huh?” but if it’s said in distress, my reaction is more like, “WHAT!?! Who said that!?!?! WHERE ARE YOU!?!!?” Until local security tackles me to the ground. 😉 Maybe not, but you get the idea.

  • Gale says:

    My kids do that too…I HATE when they call me by my given name. But yes, I have developed a noiseblocker.

    • Andy says:

      Right??? It makes my skin crawl when they call me by name. Ngah! Not a fan.

  • Niki says:

    My son has called me “Sa-weet Momma” for the majority of his 7 years. I feel gyyped when he calls me anything else.

    • Andy says:

      I absolutely love that. You should feel gypped with anything else! It’s amazing!

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