Go, Team Weird, Go!

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Go, Team Weird, Go!We reproduced before they could stop us!
Cody knows it's what's on the inside that's important.All Superheros start out with a blanket cape and a swimmer diaper on their head.
Being weird without injury requires proper physical trainingDon't worry. Your mama and I will teach you how to be weird too.

I love being weird. And I love how weird my family is.

I love my wife snatching my hand while I’m driving to use my finger as a microphone while lip-syncing to Barbra Streisand. Or when she says to me “Chocky wocky ‘n’ pom pom?” The fact that I know exactly what she means makes it all the sweeter.

I love catching Cody and Max in their room with a jar against one of their butts to capture a fart. I love Max wearing his Halloween costumes year-round, anywhere, even when they fit him like a sausage skin because of how old they are. I love Cody’s Russian accent and his ability to debate a pretzel into thinking it’s straight.

I love Lucas randomly shouting “Salsa!” in a mock gravelly voice (we all still have no idea why), and I love him holding anything he can pick up that’s rectangular and putting it to his head like a cellphone and having a crazy conversation with it.

I don’t think I realized until I had them how much I’d dreaded having a normal kid. I don’t really believe such a thing as “normal” exists. But it still sounds scary to me.


  • Tracy says:

    Team Weird for LIFE!

    I used to have a hard time spelling the word “weird” for some reason (i before e, god damn it!), and my creative writing teacher senior year of hs wrote in my yearbook: “Weird you may be, Tracy, but stupid you are not. Please learn how to spell the word before you go to college.”.

    Back to you… the top right pic is amazing.

    • andy says:

      Ditto! I had the same problem. No problem being it, but definitely with spelling it. The teacher quote is priceless!

  • John says:

    I think all kids are weird in a way… I have no idea what my son says half the time, but it makes perfect sense to him

    • andy says:

      That’s fantastic. I almost love it more when I have no idea what’s being said. We’ve actually picked up a few words from the little one and made them part of our random outbursts to each other. “D’gohn d’gohn d’gone” or “widdigoh,” to mention a couple, are part of the family vocabulary.

  • Avara says:

    I LOVE THIS! Weird’s where it’s at. I mean really…who wants to be normal, anyway???

    • andy says:

      YAY! Boring, dumb and unimaginative people want to be normal, that’s who! But be careful, they’re the ones with the torches and pitchforks and a nasty habit of pushing them at people like you and me, so steer clear.

  • Excellent post with fantastic photos! Long live the weirdos!!

  • Kat says:

    Love this too. 🙂
    Weird is funner.

  • Desiree says:

    The pic of the two of you making crazy fishie faces is still cracking me up a week later.

  • QuicksilverNHS says:

    Okay, I’m VERY glad to know we’re not the only complete weirdos out there!

    I love my weird kid. He chews his toenails, laughs uproariously when farts bubble up in the bathub, thinks that its totally appropriate to store his toys in my cleavage, likes to nap in the dog kennel and bark, roars at you like a dinosaur and comes up and takes nibbles and says “yum! ROAR!” after, drinks from his aquadoodle pen, does head-stands constantly (usually naked), and dances like an absolute maniac to just about any music there is.

    yep, he’s weird and he’s ALL mine! Hope the next one is just as weird (if not more so!)

  • Michelle Bird says:

    I love my kids being weird and quirky, to me it means i’ve done my job in teaching them to love themselves and have fun in life and not give a crap what anyone else thinks about it. Be confident, be a kid, be crazy and laugh!

  • Jesi says:

    The hubby and I are expecting our first little weirdo in January and I cannot wait for all the memories we will make with him or her. Between the two of us our child doesn’t stand a chance at prom queen/king or the popular crowd. I’m talking straight up computer programming, drama club and choir joining, film club weird.

    Unless of course the universe has a sense of humor in which case two of the geekiest, most eccentric people I know (us) will end up with a perfectly normal star athlete. We’ll love them anyway.

    • Andy says:

      Ha ha! YEEEEESSSS!!! All the most genius people in the world were weirdos! You’ve got the right future in mind. 😉 However it turns out.

  • Gayle Johnson says:

    I always tell my kids that if I was “normal” they would get bored.

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