Bad Product Idea #1: Flashy Finn Baby Pomade


Flashy Finn Baby Hair Pomade Funny Ad Product FAIL


Ah, pomade. Who could forget that slick, wavy helmet of hair of yesteryear! Well, what could be wrong with adding some James Dean allure, taking your baby to 11 on the cuteness Richter scale? Yes. A lot of things could be wrong with that. But the exploration of how far “wrong” can go is what How To Be A Dad is all about.

Colossally dumb products are out there aplenty, but this is just the first in a series illustrating the bad product ideas that no one ever thought of or was crazy or dumb enough to try to bring to life. We’ve got the market cornered on crazy AND dumb*! Enjoy.

* Remember that we are in no way recommending or condoning the creation, manufacturing, marketing or use of any of these product concepts. We are presenting them as absolutely horrible product ideas. Please direct any hate mail to NAMBLA, the IRS, the IRA or any other awful acronym.


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  • Mike says:

    “contains baby seal oil…”

    • charlie says:

      Yeah, when you look at old haircare products they carried the phrase “contains ?% of seal oil”. So gross. Andy kept the BAD in BAD product ideas alive with that one. Again, these are horrible ideas.

    • andy says:

      Charlie pointed out to me that it might be a little too edgy, even though the original says “Contains Seal Oil.” We decided that we’d change the graphic if someone commented on it. Aaaaaand, it’s the first comment it got! Ha ha!

      Your vote? Anyone? Should we replace the text?

      • Desiree says:

        Authenticity points earned = 100
        Tactless hatred of sea mammals points earned = 100

        It’s a toss up. I personally prefer authenticity, and since it’s just a graphic and no baby seals were actually harmed to create the “pomade” in the pic, I say reality was what it was.

        NO baby seals were harmed, right?

        • andy says:

          Right! In the design of this fake ad none were harmed or even looked at meanly by Japanese poachers. I’m gonna put this one down as a vote for removing the ingredient mention though.

      • mike says:

        i say keep it… and make sure the next one has some controversy in it too… makes it more interesting and damn funny… no baby seals were hurt in the production of this comment…

        • andy says:

          Touché! I guess it’s a keeper then, that’s all the votes I needed! 😉 The next one will have some controversy and hopefully some hilarity.

  • chad says:

    where can i get some?

  • I am very much looking forward to more of these Bad Products!

  • Avara says:

    LOL! how do you guys even come up with this stuff?!?

    • andy says:

      Yes!!! Good product ideas are hard to come up with, but our list of bad ones is growing out of control, they’re just coming like rain in… a really rainy part of the world.

  • Non-Stop Mom says:

    I say keep the baby seal oil reference – it adds to the badness. LOL

    • charlie says:

      Sure does. Adds to it like an oil slick in a small pond. Wait until you see the next one….. ughhhh…..

      • andy says:

        Yeah, I’m starting to worry about the next one. Why? Because I’m working on it right this very second! And it is so so so WROOOOONG!

  • […] To see the first in this series of Bad Product Ideas, click here. For more Instructional Diagrams, click […]

  • LOVE. But sad to learn it’s not real. We used Eucerin Aquefor on our son’s scalp when he was an infant, and everyone would ask in horror, “Do you have product in his hair?!?” Well, duh — he’s got 2 gay Dads.

  • Monzie says:

    “I’m a Dapper Dan man…”

  • alli says:

    Hahahahahaha! I love this! Super rad!!!

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