What Text Replies REALLY Mean


What Text Replies Really Mean Funny Explanations

Everyone’s texting or messaging everyone these days. Parents message their kids downstairs to dinner. Teachers will text a student to put away their phone. Pretty soon we’ll figure out a way to text our pets.

A big problem is that, faceless and voiceless, text messages don’t do a stellar job of conveying emotion. People have to go out of their way to write it in, or decorate messages with emoticons that set the right mood. However, since people can be monumentally lazy when it comes to texting, we don’t always do this. Honestly, we rarely do it. The quality of communication can easily descend into the equivalent of a toddler’s finger paintings.

This can cause mild confusion to total nervous breakdown. We’ve all had that moment when we frown at a text we’ve just received, or sent, and wondered if it was actually really nasty sounding.

Added to all of this are the hazards of spelling tripwires, weaponized punctuation and autocorrect lobbing in word grenades here and there. Texting can turn out to be pretty dangerous business.

This Instructional Diagram should help you out with those short replies you may have received without getting the clue. This is the truth about what they really mean. Probably. Best to assume the worst, right?

Sheesh. It’s a wonder anyone’s speaking to anyone after texting each other.


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  • Kevin says:

    I can’t speak for everybody, but if you get a text from me:

    lol = I’m acknowledging that you said something you thought was funny
    LOL = Okay that was actually kinda funny.
    HA ha ha! = I actually laughed out loud.

  • A Mom says:

    I got this one today:

    ‘Yeah maybe’

    I’m pretty sure it meant, “not on your life.” I was so irritated, I couldn’t even respond!

    • Andy says:

      Maybe they pressed Send before they could type something about hell freezing over or monkeys gaining the gift of flight and evacuating a body cavity?

  • Desiree Fawn says:

    Heh, I’m giggling at AS&S and 23ish%


    • Andy says:

      I’m so so glad the subtle little digs didn’t go unnoticed. Tee hee!

      • Desiree Fawn says:

        Haha, happy to help 😉

      • Ralph says:

        Hey Andy, the 23ish was the first thing I noticed, brilliant! But I’m confused at the AS&S. I’m guessing its a derogatory statement directed at AT&T, but I’m curious as to what it stands for.

        • Andy says:

          You’re crediting me with too much depth, it was just an play on AT&T as ASS.

  • Jo says:

    You should totes do the levels of LOL s and also the number of… cuz it is important! If there are just a couple you MIGHT be okay. If there is a long line of them…….. ya best be watchin’ yo back!! LOLz

    • Andy says:

      I remember someone doing something about the number of Ha’s I think. But a LOLs guide would be… WILL BE really funny. 😉

  • Jo says:

    It wouldn’t let me subscribe with my first comment! #¡@%!

  • Ralph says:

    I’ve been annoyed by people that take abbreviations to a whole new level, in fact they take it to the point where they seem to be inventing short hand for texting or a whole new language altogether. Personally I prefer to word my text messages like a telegram, but I use periods instead of STOP at the end of my sentences. Anyone else get annoyed at having to call the person texting you so you can find out what the heck they were trying to say?

    • Andy says:

      It can be annoying and a little alarming. Though I have had some insanely funny moments when clarifying acronyms. Ha ha!

  • Larry says:

    Thanks for the instructional diagram. It’s all clear now.

  • Laurie says:

    Love it! Also 23ish is awesome!! Why is there not a middle finger emoticon?? sometimes I really want to text one to “someone”…

  • you kill me
    sharing this on my friday links
    you are awesome-ness-age (lol)

  • esha says:

    Nice infomation, Now i got to know the meaning of this :p Also see how to make middle finger emoticon on facebook Lol http://www.sevenswag.com/how-to-type-middle-finger-emoticon-on-facebook-chat/

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