Tag: Kid Definishons

Kid Definishons: “Pesketti an Meapbals”

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

As his dad, I want my son to become very intelligent, but also as his dad, I won’t really mind if he always calls it pesketti an meapbals. One by one, though, the rough edges of our kids’ cute mispronunciations are sanded down and buffed into the smooth shapes they’re supposed to be. Bwankie becomes […]

Kid Definishons: “Yesterday”

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Young kids are about as good at making accurate time references as I am at rolling a ball of water in my hands. When a kid is describing something that happened, parents know that when they say “yesterday” that the word has an elasticity that stretches from a millisecond before now all the way back […]

Kid Definishons Poobubbles Underwater Bath Tub Farts

Kid Definishons: “Poobles”

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

When you hear the word “poo” in association with your kid being in the bathtub, you just kind of tense up and slowly peer over the edge to scan for the surprise of a floating “tub toy” that wasn’t there before. Luckily, it was just an underwater bathtub fart, and the little mer-kid is only […]

Kid Definishons Undiewares

Kid Definishons: “Undiewares”

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

It’s a pretty safe assumption that if you’re reading this, you’ve probably been wearing underwear for several years. Hopefully not the same pair. Whatever the condition of your undergarments, you must admit it’s been a long time since your parents first slipped a pair of undies on you instead of a diaper. You probably don’t […]

Kid Definishons: “Inpublic”

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

What your kid gets from the words you use can sometimes be close, but not quite right. The sheer repeated context of a word can train them into a wrong association. My 4yo son now tells my wife and I that we’re being inpublic. He chuckles and admonishes us sagely, “Hah! Dat was inpubwic!” It’s […]

Kid Definishons: “Tomorrow”

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Kids often have a different definition for the words used by adults. Sometimes they’re much more accurate. From their perspective, at least. For kids, tomorrow can often seem as far away as forever. And if parents use it often enough, it can actually turn into forever. ““   Follow us on Facebook. The best way […]