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Your search yielded 103 result(s).

Fashion Felonies: Jeans Edition


Every generation experiences a gaping canyon of a cultural divide with the younger crop of humans: FASHION. Admittedly, I’m no fashionista (afashionado?), but having no great style oneself never prevented anyone from being the fashion police, judge and jury for new trends. Even as a kid, I proclaimed the “alternative” (wrong) angles for wearing a […]

These 13 Baby & Dad Pictures Are Hilariously Awesome

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Sholom Ber Solomon is a dad to his baby, Zoe, and he’s my hero for today. Maybe even this week or month. Taking cute shots of your baby is pretty simple, since babies are ridiculously cute by default. This glorious man, however, didn’t just go the extra mile, he went Forrest Gump on it and […]

6 Stunningly Terrible Baby Product Ideas


We’ve all seen ads or stores selling baby-related products that had us tilting our head and muttering, “Really???” Sometimes it’s because they seem useless and stupid, or downright unsafe. It’s hard to believe sometimes, but they’re actually out there, for someone with money in their pocket and sh*t for brains, apparently. How ’bout, we take […]

Stay-At-Home Fatherhood Captured in Hilarious Sticky Notes

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Most of us leave Post-In notes around for ourselves or for our partner in child rearing. As fulfilling as parenthood is, it sure can be devastating on ones wits and memory. But this post is about someone who went beyond written reminders plastered all over the house. Somewhere heartwarming, hilarious and occasionally off-color. Chris Illuminati […]

Parenterms: “Calculatte”


We’ve all done that late-night math to figure out how much sleep we’d get if we fell asleep right that second. Sadly for parents, this assumes you’ll sleep through until your alarm goes off. Hahahahahah! Ugh. It’s hard to figure out the sleep you’ll get when you have a living alarm clock with no snooze […]

History’s Freakiest Baby Products


Sometimes we parents will come across ads or informercials for baby and kid-related products that seem silly or kinda useless. If we look back in time, though, when “men were men and women were women,” and both apparently didn’t seem overly concerned with infant or child safety, we can behold some very weird or outstandingly […]

A Toddler’s Guide to Being a Helpful Passenger


Driving with kids can be rough. Quite often “rough” like wearing a potato sack for underwear on a 10 mile marathon. They really do make it interesting at any age. When they’re little bundles of burps, it can be surprise diaper blowouts, random screaming and begging for you to hand them this, that and everything. […]

Kids Write Some Sorry Excuses for Apologies (12 Pics)

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

It’s very amusing how kids can be wonderful at being awful about certain things. When I was a kid, there were times my parents made me apologize to my siblings or friends, and I can remember how lifeless and boobytrapped some of my sorries were. Kids quickly get pretty good at whipping up some completely […]