My Kid Just Said… #61

Posted under "MY KID JUST SAID..."

“That was pretty funny, right, Daddy? … So… Are you going to post it on the internet? Ha ha! Because I think you should post that on the internet.”
(2015, 6 years old)
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I swear he doesn’t really even know what that means! He’s just parroting what he’s heard his mom and me say. I know I do this as one of my jobs, posting stuff here and there and everywhere, but he’s SIX… NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

I once made the terrible mistake of showing him a video I’d posted on Vine and told him it was doing very well. High fives may or may not have been involved. Of course he didn’t have a burp’s shadow of a clue what I was talking about, so in an effort to let him in on the radness, I told him that I posted it online, other people saw it, and a lot of them liked and commented on it. He immediately asked what they said and I just as immediately regretted this whole “letting him in on it” thing. He wanted to see! He asked me how MANY! AAAAAAAARG!!! What had I DONE!?!

Nowadays, I deliberately try not to draw his attention to the process of posting or ANYTHING related to the “metrics” of digital socialization. He’ll still overact a bit when he knows I’m videoing, sure, but if he ever asks me if I posted something, at least he doesn’t ask how many likes it got. Ugh.

I know there’s an inevitability to all of this. But he’s six. So, for me, it’s not-now-itable.


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