Dad’s First Diaper After the Baby Starts Eating Solids (Hilarious Video)

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

It’s been a very long time since I changed a diaper, but I clearly remember my first diaper change ever, and the first diaper change after we switched to solid foods. EVERY parent will remember this. Even if it’s not a picture-pefect stomach-churning flashback, we can all at least vaguely remember how shockingly horrible it looked and smelled.

Watching this dad change his first solid-food poopy diaper brings it all back, but this time I can just laugh instead of gagging, and cry from how funny it is and not because the stench is so bad it feels like it’s burning my eyes out of their sockets. Positive Note: there’s nothing super nasty shown in the video, so you don’t need to worry about getting too grossed out. This guy has the grossed-out department fully covered. Haha! Enjoy!