A Word from an Older B(r)other

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Another installment from my Instagram account, @CharlieCapen. It’s my place to capture things as they come to me, in the moment, and unleash shitloads of typos on the world. But mainly, it’s a journal for my two boys.

Here’s another entry from it that I wanted to share with you.

“Finn, let me apologize now for the mistakes I have made and may make in the future. We’re both figuring this thing out every day. As an older brother myself, you should know there will be times we will be pioneers in this journey together. Arden will reap the reward from our failures and successes but I want you to remember you helped me learn to be a father. Photo by @themodelmuse

Being an older sibling is hard. It demands patience and understanding, both of which I’m short on. I hope my eldest son hears this advice to an older brother. He may need it someday.

Thanks for listening.


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