Tag: Manners

An Inappropriate Guide to Proper Holiday Dining Etiquette (Video)


  Manners at the table can seem like a sport. Of course, parents are the stressed out coaches, yelling orders from the sidelines or anxiously mouthing silent instructions to their kids. The Holidays, however, are the flippin’ Hunger Games of proper… um…acceptable… ugh… passable dinning etiquette for your kids. This hilarious video brings back so […]

Manners that Don’t Suck

Posted under NOTEBOOK

I’m going to sound like a pissed off old man. And I’m good with that. Bad manners are rampant. The way I see things going, manners these days are like harsh meanness and disinterested oblivion had a baby, and then that baby was handed a case of Red Bull and a shotgun. Hey, look! Our […]