Tag: List

7 Things That Scared The Hell Out Of Me As A Boy

Posted under NOTEBOOK

If you grew up during the 1980s, then you probably were exposed to some crazy stuff. My dad had a bad habit of watching insanely scary stuff around me. I’m definitely more cautious because of it with my kids, but I wonder if everyone had the same insane childhood with television and movies like I […]

5 Ways You Can Royally Screw Up Mother’s Day

Posted under NOTEBOOK

Lots of websites write theoretical, preachy lists about innumerable parenting and relationship pitfalls, but most don’t really live them. You can tell by the way the author speaks so authoritatively while remaining distant from their own material. For example, I read an article recently about some relationship issue and the writer made it sound like […]

5 Symptoms of Having Kids

Posted under NOTEBOOK

Kids are a game changer, folks. Whether you read any other articles on here or not, it’s pretty obvious that kids will upend what you thought you knew. But what are some of the most common ways things can change? Is it all roses and sunshine? All poop-whiffed play? Here are a few common symptoms […]

5 Ways To Become The Best Dad Ever

Posted under NOTEBOOK

The thing about becoming the best dad… there’s no right way. There’s no perfect way. But I’m going to try and help you here. Read on for the real deal on how to become the best dad in the history of dadness. With a list of course! 1. I HAVE NO F*&KING IDEA. Okay, just […]

5 Parenting Tips from ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off’

Posted under NOTEBOOK

There are countless parenting experts with books, videos, courses, brochures and all sort of parenting propaganda. But we ain’t buying it. Instead, we prefer to learn the hidden lessons from our favorite movies and TV shows (do not try this at home). What if all of our lives were a simple calculation of deriving immense […]

5 Annoying Pieces of Parenting Advice

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1. Arguing With Your Kid? DON’T ARGUE WITH THEM It’s so true. Maybe we could apply this same advice to achieve world peace? It’s not like we’re tired, hungry, burnt out, and exasperated. Right? 2. Kid Won’t Eat? JUST MAKE THEM EAT Also applicable: if they eat it five times they’ll keep eating it. Picky […]

7 Signs You’re A Parent

Posted under NOTEBOOK

1. You Repeat Yourself You don’t like telling the same stories, giving repeat instructions and pleading over/over/over again that you need something vital to happen. But that’s what happens. Every day. All the time. 1. You Repeat Yourself You don’t like telling the same stories, giving repeat instructions and pleading over/over/over again that you need […]

5 Ways You Can Prevent Sucking At Fatherhood

Posted under NOTEBOOK

Listen, no one is perfect, but we all want to do better as parents. Today, I want to give some advice, which while rare for HTBAD as a general rule, is something that becomes necessary following major life events, elections, global infections, and any general pants-shitting news. I want to give you five areas to […]

5 Ways Fitbit Is Ruining My Life

Posted under NOTEBOOK

Man, everyone is wearing some kind of strap on their wrist these days. We’re counting our steps, calories from the foods we eat and everything else that has a number on it. Sometimes I see people pacing and wonder if they’re stressed out or just trying to reach their walking quota for the day. We […]