Tag: Easter

My Easter Bunny Just Said… #312


Here’s a pretty funny story about how my wife, EHEM! I mean, the EASTER BUNNY got a little tripped up this year. Our 7-year-old woke early Easter morning, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Which of course means my wife and I also woke, but a little more like roadkill. He rushed to the kitchen, with us stumbling […]

7 Abnormal “Uses” for PEEPS


Since we’re both ninjas, and we know lots of secrets, we figure it’s time to let you in on the undercover and atypical applications for the ever-popular, marshmallowy PEEPS of Easter fame. This video is a great primer for some of the common ways you might already be familiar with… But let’s dive deeper, shall […]

The Easter Bunny Is not a Voracious Monster

Easter Bunny: Not A Voracious Child-Gobbling Monster

Posted under NOTEBOOK

Here’s a quick recap of our Easter experience, before the Internet’s ruthlessly short attention span makes it irrelevant and uninteresting. My father-in-law made reservations at a nice restaurant. He’s rad. When we walked into the place, he got even radder. Fountains, pillars, marble floors, this was gonna be yummy! Lizzie whispers to me “Oh, by […]

Something Weird This Way Hops

Posted under NOTEBOOK

I love Easter. I remember the delight of waking up to that castle of wicker and crimped plastic grass, surrounded in its cellophane force field, protecting its treasure trove of candy and grocery-store-grade toys. But, having kids gives you perspective. What was once a bright-eyed bunny made of chocolate can start to look creepy and […]