Tag: Dogs

My Wife Just Said

My Wife Just Used The Mommy Voice… #275

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

He’d been repeatedly yanking the dog’s tail when they were playing and that can go wrong fast, in a few ways, so we were getting a little fed up with him doing it. She definitely used her “Mommy Voice” on him and he cried mostly out of guilt that he’d done it again and because… […]

Dogs Tolerating Kids Magnificently (14 GIFs)

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

The world would be a much better place if we all had the patience and forgiveness of most dogs. It’s positively amazing the crap they can endure and come through with their irrepressible, tail-wagging cheerfulness. Babies and kids are a true test of most living things, and our four-legged friends seem to pass the test […]

Christmas Tree… Dog???

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

You can do something so right… that it becomes wrong. Right? But maybe it’s not wrong. Hmmmmm. People can go crazy on the holidays. Christmas trees so tall that they bend over under a ceiling, like Shaquille O’Neal in a VW. And maybe there are some menorahs around with so much chutzpah that they can […]