Tag: Dinner time

My Wife Just Said...

My Wife Just Said… #139

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

“What am I making for dinner tonight? Reservations.” -Elizabeth   When a single day feels like a week, it’s like you’ve practically earned the right to not cook six times over, right? In these cases, it’s really just best for everyone’s health if the chef’s special for dinner is takeout or reservations at a restaurant. […]

My Kid Just Said

My Kid Just Said… #34

Posted under "MY KID JUST SAID..."

“Dis dinner tastes wike horse.” -Lucas (2013, 4 years old)   It was an insult so innocent and random that it wasn’t at all insulting; if it even was intended as a complaint. He made it sound like it was a positive thing. Unfortunately for my wife, our laughter was loud and long enough that […]

Turning the Tables on Family Dinner

Posted under NOTEBOOK

So, I’m an okay cook but by Friday night, my whole family are a bunch of zombie meatsacks. I decided to write about how to remove the stress out of family dinners by week’s end because I know so many families are dealing with the same problem. I wrote about it for Annie’s Homegrown, a […]