Month: March 2018

The Birds and the Bees… and a Swarm of Bees Challenge???

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

When it comes to having “The Talk” with their kids, parents can range from super-chill whatevs about it, to something that doctors would write down on a clipboard as a coronary event. I kind of get the sense that the average experience sits closer to the heart attack than explaining it casually while making a […]

Will My Kid Be Sporty… or Not So Much?

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

When you become a parent, no matter how hands-off you intend to be on their personality, you still have to wonder what kind of person your sweet little bag of wiggles will become. I was never good at or terrifically interested sports. My older brother very much was, so I learned a bunch more than […]

Farewell, Toys ‘R’ Us – We ‘R’ Sad


Today, Toys ‘R’ Us begins closing the doors on its stores, and with them, part of my childhood. There’s a vast universe of “My Kids Will Never Know” memes out there. This is really a timeless theme; generations always have and always will advance forward, turning the things of today into antiquated and unfamiliar footnotes […]

6 Awful Relaxation Tips for High-Stress Parents

Posted under NOTEBOOK

Parents are some of the most stressed out people out there. We even stress about how stressed out we are. Stressception. Y’know, there’s that whole saying about how when you have a kid “your heart forever walks around outside your body.” Let’s go a little further. Imagine you literally had a heart that beat outside […]

Super Mario Spoofs (11 Edgy Comics)

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

I grew up with video games. The fridge-sized quarter-gobblers as well as some of the really old consoles. But most importantly was when I begged my parents into caving for the Nintendo Entertainment System. My obnoxiousness must have been epic in 1987, because they sprang for the one with that stupid Rob the Robot (see […]