Month: February 2016

Teaching Kids Is Many Much Harderer (5 Comics)

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

It’s our job to care for the new mini humans we bring into this world. Part of that job is showing them the ropes of life, whilst trying to keep them from tripping and getting tangled in every single one while we were looking for an expiration date for just one single solitary second. Ehem! […]

Thanks For The Parenting Advice!

Posted under NOTEBOOK

As you may or may not know, is a collector and distributor of the most important, helpful parenting advice known to man. We scour the internet looking for the best and brightest ideas to make your parenting better. If you don’t parent just right, it could have profound and devastating effects on your children. […]

My Wife Just Said

My Wife Just Complained… #251

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

“I have a high tolerance for pain, but a very low tolerance for discomfort.” ““Elizabeth   Hang on. What? Not sure how her statement makes perfect sense to me, but it kinda does. Science, and people who push large melon-sized things out of their bodies, have long claimed that women tend to have a higher […]

Parents Strap GoPro on Toddler’s Head For Hide n’ Seek

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

All of us have imagined what it would be like to be little kids again. The games we played and the new experiences we had, so much energy stuffed into tiny little bodies. Well, here’s your chance. These parents decided to play hide n’ seek. But the fun twist is what’s on their kid’s head. […]

You Can Lead a Kid to a Meal… HAH! (3 Comics)

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

…But you can’t make them eat. Admittedly some parents get a little too obsessive in one way or another about their kids nutrition, but even for laid back parents, it can be absomotherf*ckinglutely infuriating! [Sigh] I’m calm, I’m calm. Happy place. Deep breaths. Let’s laugh away the pain with these 3 Fowl Language Comics from […]

Dad Shames Kids for Report Card

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

Listen, I’m not above using any means necessary when it comes to teaching my kids to aspire to greater things. But I think this might cross the line for me. Though it’s sort of visually humorous out of context, the fact is this dad’s making his kids feel ashamed and encouraging their ridicule for the […]

“Sleeping” : Convos With My 5-Year-Old

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

The first thing that’s funny about this video is that it’s title: “Sleeping.” HAH! Ugh. The rest is pretty damned funny, too. It’s not funny when you’re experience a terrible night’s sleep because the kids have invaded your bed, but it’s funny to watch the misery unfold with two kids being played by grown men. […]