Month: April 2015

My Kid Just Said

My Kid Just Texted… #60

Posted under "MY KID JUST SAID..."

“You love me and i love you and i miss you Are you having a good week?” -Lucas (2015, 5 years old)   It’s adorable how in telling me he loves me, on my wife’s borrowed/hijacked phone, that the cutie patootie begins by proclaiming that I love him. In my mind, I can so clearly […]

Zen Archery and the Art of Parenting

Posted under NOTEBOOK

When I first heard the news, I was ecstatic. I’ve wanted to be a dad for as long as I can remember. Any time a small child was yelled at by their parents, growing up, I wanted to shield them. They were defenseless little creatures who had no recourse against the imposing, angry figures standing […]

Parenting Unfiltered

Posted under NOTEBOOK

We’ve partnered up with Plum Organics because they had a brilliant idea that fit our site and purpose perfectly: to create an online convo where parents could tell it like it is, to see and show others they’re not alone, and to laugh or cry at the wonderful and grim realities of parenthood. With social […]

New PARENTING Emojis Announced!

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

The recent addition of ethnically diverse emojis (graphic emoticons) has taken the world by storm. Since it’s been a few weeks (which is like years in internet time), to keep the momentum going, Apple is now introducing an even newer new set of icons. Emojis designed specifically with parents in mind. Here’s a sampling of […]

How I Shave…


Recently, my son has been pretending to shave during bath time. It’s kinda blowing my mind. I remember those days as a boy when I realized I would one day have hair on my face. And now that my facial hair has taken over my mug, the concept has arrived in my son’s mind. He’s […]

All the Ways Kids Become Owners of Things

Posted under NOTEBOOK

It’s been a while since we’ve been babies and kids, so it’s easy to forget what it’s like for them and that they tend to be consistently unemployed and extremely cash poor. Understandably so, since it’s kind of a legal thing that they can’t earn a wage, but that doesn’t stop them from needing and […]

Finding Yourself


When you have a child there is a unique, physical connection that is almost impossible to put into words. Whether you’ve even met your baby or not, it’s there. In the air. In the ether. Somehow we feel it. And they feel us. But just how much? Though this video is an ad, it’s got […]

My Wife Just Said… #209

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

“To kids, everything is allowed until someone says it’s not allowed.” [to our son] “Hey, honey! That’s not allowed.” -Elizabeth   As parent’s we’re the “supposed to” and “not allowed” police for our kids. They don’t tend to see or care about the bad in a lot of ideas they have. Whacking a bush full […]

Every Reaction to the New Star Wars Trailer


Our childhoods came crashing down on us yesterday when the trailer for the new Star Wars film came out. I literally screamed out like a kid in front of coworkers in a meeting. I couldn’t help myself. After the painful trauma of the second set of three films (cue Jar Jar Binks falling off a […]

Cartoon Pets IN REAL LIFE


Have you ever wondered what it would be like if the pets in cartoons were actually real animals? Stop wondering. Kyle Bradley answers some of this with brilliant illustrations by Angelica Bamundo on College Humor. Garfield Yeeeeeeah. Italian food is delizioso, but maybe it isn’t really a sensible pet food. Tom and Jerry She doesn’t […]