Month: May 2013

Episode 2: Convos With My 2 Year Old Video


  Watching a grown man tickle another grown man is totally okay if one of them is an actor playing the role of a 2-year-old. For reals. Trust me. Not us! Two other men. Here’s the second episode in the wildfire viral series Convos With My 2 Year Old. ALSO! We’re presently in touch with […]

Episode 1: Convos With My 2 Year Old Video


  Anyone who’s anyone (or has a pulse) has seen this by now. Seventy-bazillion times each. So, after we finished clapping our hands to a swollen pulp and stopped punching ourselves in the face for not creating something like this video ourselves, we had to share it here. It’s so genius, it just has to […]

Curious George: Instructions for Parents

Posted under NOTEBOOK

I was slacking on my dad duties after a weekend of camping and tin foil battles and pole dancing. I was beat. So, I decided to sit on the couch with my son and watch some “Curious George” with him. I was a big fan of the books growing up but I always identified with […]

Bad Product Idea #13: The Mommequin


Kids never leave you alone when they’re yours. If you want alone-time, you’re really fighting a ridiculously losing battle. But now they don’t have to leave “you” alone. What if you could be present when you just really need to be absent? Now you can! With the purchase and set up a life-sized robotic figure, […]

Story Time: Because I’m Your Dad

Posted under NOTEBOOK

Today’s book is by a man you may know for his first, or his last name. Both are equally cool. Ahmet Zappa is the son of late rock musician/composer, Frank Zappa. “Because I’m Your Dad” is apparently both a promise to his daughter, Halo, and a tribute to his happy childhood. The book is both […]

My Wife Just Said...

My Wife Just Said… #111

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

“Hey! You married me.”-Elizabeth She did or said something that didn’t exactly make you click your heels. Watch out, the statement above is beautifully dangerous. It’s like one of those crazy knot-tying jobs that look like an evil funnel cake and tighten up the more you struggle. Don’t struggle. You did marry her. So try […]

5 Crazy Rumors about Netflix & Arrested Development

Posted under NOTEBOOK

For the past week, I have been at Netflix headquarters and got to hear lots of insider information that Netflix doesn’t want me talking about I will reveal to you very soon. It’s pretty exciting stuff. In those meetings, I had the chance to speak with several executives there including the company’s CEO, Reed Hastings. […]

Quadruplets Think Dad is Funny


This video is just one of those things that is destined to roam the Internet landscape for some time. Much like Andy’s platonic sextape titled, “I really like hugging.” These babies are hilarious. So, here’s your pick-me-up for the day! First question, where the hell did they get that table? I’d like to think that […]

Gas Rant

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

This is actually a thing for me. I’ve had nightmares. I am not joking. If my wife even mentions the word “gas” my hand will break the sound barrier being held up in a quivering halt gesture, whereupon I will inform her that she is not allowed to continue speaking unless the conversation is about […]