Month: August 2012

College Student vs. Baby


  [ click the image to enlarge ] When kids go off to college we get misty eyed and clutch each other and say “we’re losing our little baby,” or some such choked-up sentiment. But, fortunately or unfortunately, sometimes that’s not as true as we may think. The similarities are still there. Our babies just […]

Our First Day of High School

Posted under NOTEBOOK

Me at age 12. Look at how much I adored school. (Click to look closer at the love.) Why would I say this was our first day of High School, you ask? You came to the right person! I mean me. Anyways, you see, I never went to High School. Not one day. I left […]

Hilarious Kid Conversations REENACTED!


Some of the most entertaining and hilarious eavesdropping an all-growed-up person will do is listening to young kids having a conversation with each other. When the kids aren’t aware of or don’t care about the presence of big folks. NOW. Imagine someone took a recording of two kids talking and reenacted it! You can stop […]

My Kid Just Said

My Kid Just Said… #7

Posted under "MY KID JUST SAID..."

[Sigh] “I feel so relaxed. Like I just peed.” [Everyone bursts out laughing] “What!?! It makes you feel relaxed!” -Max (2010, 10 years old)  Relaxation Level: Max. We all voiced our agreement by laughing even harder. He was right! It’s true. It’s not something you talk about over tea and crumpets. Or ever really. Still, […]

A Teenager’s Bucket List

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

This is completely true and unaltered and unbelievable. And yet, totally believable. One day a friend of mine went insane and decided to clean up the apocalypse of his fourteen-year-old boy’s room. Amid all the aftermath, he discovered something amazing. And since he’s the type of guy who covers this his son’s toilet bowl opening […]

Her Lipstick

Posted under NOTEBOOK

I found something. A few days ago I was rifling through some rarely-opened filing cabinets, looking for something; something boring enough that I forgot about it the second I opened up a folder that was bloated with odd, crinkled contents. Memories beamed out at me. Cards from my kids in brightly-colored construction paper, saved scribbles […]

Ninja Parent Lessons: Tickle Attacks, Part 1


There are a ton of simple, everyday things we just have to pick up on our own. Learning by trial and error or mimicking someone else can be tricky. And result in us doing really stupid things. Even with tickling. For parents of ticklish kids, the act of tickling can be a laughter-filled method of […]