Original videos by HowToBeADad, or other people’s video shenanigans that were selected for your enjoyment.

Drama, It’s What’s for Dinner (Video Compilation)

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

I can’t personally remember being an absolute douchecanoe about food when I was a kid. Then I thought this might be some kind of self-imposed amnesia our bodies perform, because if they didn’t, we might not procreate as a species if we had crystal clear memories of the little horrors we were. So, I asked […]

Serious Subjects Can Get Seriously Silly with Kids


When you tackle a subject with your kid that’s one of the more life-lessonie topics, it can be pretty dang interesting. You start to find out what they have -100 clues about, and what they’ve picked up from wherever. But, like a lollipop that rolled under the couch, sometimes some pretty unusual stuff sticks to […]

Toddlers Priceless First-Time Reactions to Fireworks (Video)

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

I remember being astounded by fireworks as a little kid. I love them, but… well, it wasn’t really a love-hate relationship, it was more of love-terror thing. Now that I’m all grown up with three kids that are well past toddlerhood, I’ve had the chance to see the evolution of their awed reactions as they […]

A Wild Baby Attack with a Chocolate Milk Ending

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

Here we see dramatic video footage of a mom’s boob being viciously attacked by her ravenous newborn! No, not really! Haha! But her adorable little daughter, Ava, seemed to think so. When she toddles into the hospital room where she caught her mom breastfeeding the hungry new arrival, she didn’t seem to know what to […]

World’s Greatest Mom Is Hilarious (6 Clips)

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

The German comedienne, Martina Hill, does a ton of wild and amazing short comedy sketches. The fact that these are not in English will matter not one single solitary bit, trust me! The humor is so universal, they transcend language and it’s absolutely no wonder so many of these have gone crazy viral globally. Enjoy […]

Cute Girl Has Hilarious Trouble Saying Th*cker

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

When kids are little, and just start learning how to speak, you get all sort of priceless pronunciations. They use Ws for Ls, making adorable words like “wittle yewwow wemons.” They smash their Rs or drop them out, so they sound a cutely British when they refer to their “wed wace cahw.” Then there’s the […]

Caught in the iAct!

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

Kids break things. It’s in their DNA. Okay, maybe it isn’t, but there’s a lot of klutziness between the time their little-human DNA becomes big-human DNA. We’ve all done it, as kids ourselves, and I think it’s fairly safe to say that every parent has experienced with their own kid. Committing some “crime” or accident, […]

Learning the Different Differences of People


There isn’t just one single point that every parent experiences with their kid learning about the difference of other people. Because they’re all different, in usual and in unique ways, you’ll run into several experiences. Little ones don’t tend to get too caught up in the abstract differences of character and personality, so they tend […]

Who’s Your Favorite? (A Hilarious Interrogation)

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

Parenting isn’t a competition. Well. It shouldn’t be. But, even for parents who work together perfectly, your heart can kind of feel like it got the silver medal and lost a little in some moments. You ask if they want you to read them a story and they say, “I wan’ Mommy to wead to […]