MAN-ternity Pants for Food Babies


MANternity Pants maternity pants for men and their food babies

If women can wear “boyfriend jeans” any time they want for casual comfort, then dang it men should be able to rock a pair of maternity pants for the eating Olympics of the holiday season! But most men aren’t very comfortable with wearing women’s clothing. Hmmmmm.

But what if there was an answer?! Think of it, the loose-fitting elastic forgiveness of maternity pants, but made for men! MAN-ternity Pants.

Imagine not having to lean back at the table, groaning while you pop your straining pants’ button and unlatching a buckle to escape the boa constrictor of your belt, quite possibly frightening the children and womenfolk momentarily.

Sure, pregnant women are busting their butts to grow and bring new life into this world, so they deserve all the comfort the can get. But you know what! Sometimes men are eating for two, too. Sure, they don’t need to, and honestly probably shouldn’t, but it’s a free country and a man should be able to pig out in attire that adjusts to his growing food baby.

It’s 2018, people.

It’s not fair. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to live in a world where men can’t eat obscene quantities of food and be held back, NAY, persecuted by their clothes!

It’s time.

It’s time for MAN-ternity Pants.


  • Henry says:

    That weird groan may also frighten mother in law who droped by for a short stay…

    • Andy says:

      That’s the truth. But sometimes that’s not a bad thing. Keep her on her toes. 😉

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