Ninja Parent Lessons: The Fists of the Octopus



Most people don’t realize, just by being parents, how many steps they’ve already travelled on the path of the ninja. There are so many trials and tasks and skills necessary to becoming a true master that are simply common, everyday demands of being a mother or father.

Above is but a glimpse of one part of the ancient parental wisdom of the revered order of ninjas. It will seem very familiar to most, but most particularly and especially to parents, who commonly employ so many of the techniques depicted here, so often, and at the same time.

For non-parents, it may seem strange to imagine an awkward yet determined figure hefting a stadium-sized pack of toilet paper and several fallen toys, while clamping a rediscovered bottle now caked with milk-gurt under their jaw, carefully biting a smartphone in their teeth, with an Amazon Prime delivery clenched between their legs, waddling stealthy passed a sleeping baby.

It won’t seem strange to imagine for those of us with kids. It will seem like Tuesday.


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More Ninja Parenting Wisdom
Learn the wisdom of the secret order of ninjas to become a better parent.

1 Comment

  • Ronille Pabico says:

    This gave me a good laugh. I completely understand and can 100% relate to this. After having kids I didn’t realize how I’ve become a ninja warrior just from doing your basic dad-to-day tasks. Thanks for the laugh!

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