Operation: Keep the Kids Alive (5 Comics)

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

You think it’d be easy, right? That whole “keeping your kids alive and well” thing. All living things are supposed to have a survival instinct. Kids don’t pay much attention to the concept of “supposed to,” though. Things like electrical sockets, oven knobs, bathroom urinal cakes and rain dances in the nude seem vastly more important than staying alive and well. (Sigh)

Let’s apply a health dose of the best medicine and laugh at our crappy job as caretakers and nurses to our little illness and boo-boo magnets. Here are 5 sweet and frustrating Fowl Language Comics.



Fowl Language Familydemic Everyone's Sick


Owie Prevention

Fowl Language Comics No Running Injury


The More You Know

Fowl Language Comics Healthy Kids Cigarettes


Recovery Cuddles

Fowl Language Comics Sick Cuddles


Realistic Standards of Care

Fowl Language Comics Everyone Still Alive


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