6 Things I Want My Son To Know

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Yesterday was my son’s 6th birthday. Certain things about his arrival in this world are starting to get foggy, and others are clearer than ever. But it makes me want to write down EVERYTHING I can so don’t forget. So, I posted a little list of things I want him to remember. Don’t let me forget them, everyone. And don’t let go of those important things, yourselves. Okay?

6 Things I Want You To Know On Your 6th Birthday, Finn:

1. You and I are more alike than anyone else will ever understand. And anytime I get frustrated with you stems directly, nearly always, from my inability to confront a part of myself.
2. Your heart will keep you true. Your compassion and understanding are powerful weapons against a great many villainous things in this world. Please keep that in mind with your younger brother.
3. Part of a man’s journey is learning to protect others. There will be times your immediate safety will be compromised. Learn to embrace those moments of fear and doubt. You learn a great deal within those spaces.
4. Your knock-knock jokes are ridiculous but perfect.
5. There was a flash rainstorm today well after the weather people predicted. And a giant rainbow appeared. I don’t think it was a coincidence.
6. I love you. All of you. Even the parts that make me lose my patience, the parts I’ve yet to learn about, the parts that might disappoint or even anger me. There is nothing I won’t do to fight for you. You’re magic. You come from a long line of storytellers and magicians. Write your story. Transform the world.

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1 Comment

  • Eric says:

    Strong pieces of advice-and honestly it’s hard to beat an kids knock-knock joke. Especially the ones they invent that make no sense, but they sell it!

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