Little Kids Re-imagine the Star Wars Cantina Scene (VIDEO)

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

Star Wars Cantina Kid Snippets

We love how hilarious kids are. And, apparently, we love it when adults act as kids in some funny fashion. And the Love is very, very strong with us when it comes to Star Wars. Sooooooo this had to be shared!

Let me explain quickly. The YouTube channel geniuses Bored Shorts TV record little kid conversations and then do video reenactments with adults, with the kids’ squeaky voiceover overlaid. BUT! In this episode they took it to a galaxy far, far away!

They had young kids record their own (loose) rendition of the famous scene in Star Wars: A New Hope, where Obi Wan takes Luke to Mos Eisley and they meet Han and Chewbecca. It’s just… it’s glorious.

Who knew it cost 99 billion thousand to get to another planet in the Billenium Falcon! (Warning: probably due to budgetary considerations, Chewbacca appears here with Justin Bieber’s next crappy haircut.)

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