Ninja Parent Lessons: The Drunken Cobra


Ninja Parent Lessons The Drunken Cobra Defense

A baby can be like a drunken cobra, that is they would be, if snakes had a habit of irresponsibly drinking way too much sake and then going on a rampage. A baby’s finger and toe nails are sharper than samurai swords, and their coordination and aim? Worse than a government’s.

Wobbly and unpredictable, an infant can lash out without realizing the effect, totally clueless. You see, you may wipe away boogs from their nose and then think it’s cute when they’re tickling your own nostril, until they jam a finger in up to your brain. And a game of paddy cake or a simple high five can easily turn into a gruesome scene from Game of Thrones.

In any teaching, the mistakes of the student are the fault of the sensei. The wise must learn to teach before the ignorant can learn to become wise. Or something.

However it goes, it is the duty of the master (or parent) to teach your youngling to weild their awesome might and oversized head with control and purpose. And until then, it is up to you, the teacher, to use proper defense against the wild flapping and poking of your giggling student/baby.


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  • Ct Eberhart says:

    Reading this as 90-year old great grandparent, I’m amazed I id manage to get through the ordeal without scars showing.

    • Andy says:

      Haha! I’m not 40 yet and I’m amazed for myself as well. I guess we hide our scars on the inside or in our graying hair. 😉

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