“Let It Go” with Phonetically Accurate Lyrics


Funny Parody Frozen Let It Go Singing Guide and Phonetically Accurate Lyrics

Anyone who can read sheet music probably doesn’t need a guide to properly sing Let It Go from Frozen, but since the majority of us can’t sing our way out of a box… that’s open, and on fire… these simple, phonetically accurate lyrics and tips for screaming along may help you or your kid in becoming a better ice diva in the shower or car seat.

By now, there probably exist more snarky jokes and gripes on the interwebs from parents about the avalanche-hit song than there are cells in a massive brain tumor. For some, it always sounded like extremely talented yelling, for others, they’re just burned-out-to-cinder on hearing it, because kids, of course, never seem to tire of it. Heck, most of ’em can listen to a seat-belt warning chime for hours like it was Mozart.

Whatever your feelings are for the song, be careful. Use this newfound power responsibly and don’t hurt yourself. Or others.

NOTE: If this post upsets you in any way, remember that I had to listen to this song sooooooo many times in creating this parody guide, and it’s not really my cup of tea. So, I’ve already been amply punished for this post.



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