My Kid Just Said… #38

Posted under "MY KID JUST SAID..."

“Dis man hewped people become fwiends. Brown people, owange people, pink people… [lists every color possible]. All of dem.”
(2013, 4 years old)

I asked him a simple question: “Why do we have a holiday on Monday?” My son has such an awesome take on race. Here’s hoping that one day, MLK’s dream and my son’s simplistic statement become real.


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  • Jo says:

    Your son ROCKS!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Lisa says:

    Beautiful! I hope one day my daughter, who shares this day as her bday, can put things that simply.

  • robert says:

    please get that tongue checked out…

  • Phil landsberg says:

    Smart, and cute! Dangerous combo.

  • Maybe he can come explain it to Karis because she just told me Martin Luther King was a guy who wanted all of the white people to turn brown. #ParentingFail

  • Drusila says:

    ^ LoL!!!

    My 5 yr old doesn’t even notice the people’s color. To him they’re just people.
    The other day he heard someone say something about a “black guy,” and he asked me “Why does it matter that the guy is black?” I told him “It really doesn’t matter. Some people are just ignorant.”

  • Celia says:

    Cute. and very smart.

    Also, why does dad have a blue tongue and son not have a blue tongue. Have you been indulging in his treats?!! I only ask because my SO will snack on baby’s snacks and say he’s “sharing”. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Michelle Thomas says:

    Finn,you are honest and awesome. Always stay that way!!!

  • Finn has got it goin’ on! DadWin! (MomWin too, but this is HTBAD!)

  • Dejah Danger says:

    From the mouth of babes… That tells me YOU’RE a great parent; you’ve made sure to express love for everyone and your son sees your example. Awesome job, Dad.

  • Makeda says:

    Good job, kiddo! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • HAHA! I talked to my daughter about MLK (who she somewhat gets mixed up with Nelson Mandela. Give her a break, she’s 4). When I asked her about MLK day and what it’s about here is what she said:
    “People shooted that very good man because he dreamed. And then he was King of Africa.”

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