Tech Tip Timeout: Computer Laaaaaagggggg


Tech Tip Timeout Computer Lag

You may be wondering why I’m bestowing this tidbit of purely technical wisdom upon the visitors of our parenting entertainment website. Sure, it’s useless and silly, so that fits, but what about the parenting angle?

Welp, what doesn’t technology have to do with parenting in this chromed-out, touch-screened world? It’s scary, but it has nearly as much to do with conducting life as breathing does these days.

I’m just here to give you a Tech Tip Timeout, so you can avoid becoming too “tech vintage” as parents of kids who probably dream in text messages and emoticons. Since I’m useless at being useful, I’ll settle for making you laugh so you don’t feel too lame about slowly becoming a dinosaur.


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If you thought this was useful!… um, really? You thought this was useful?


  • Arjan Tupan says:

    Why does that paper has holes in it?

    • Andy says:

      Because you’re too young to remember computer technology when it was young. Google it.

  • Ain’t that the truth!

  • Antonia says:

    Dot matrix!! niiiice! … I don’t know what I needed a banner of my name for, but I sure did have one! “je je je je je je je je je je jjjjjjjjjjjjjj…” (that’s the sound of the printer, in case ya didn’t catch it) heh.

  • NerdyLutheranChick says:

    I miss paper with tear off holes; being excited about having a color monitor – with that weird magenta color, the sea-green teal, grey gray, and lime-green-so-bright-your-eyes-are-bleeding; when the internet went skkkkkrrrreeekkknnntttfftthhhhjkjjkkk for an hour before connecting, and the idea of a flip-phone being exclusively a Star Trek pipe dream!

  • Jo says:

    Have you been peeking in my windows again, Andy?!?! Gonna have to get that Restraining order renewed!! 😉

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