Parenterms: “Awkwurchase”

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Funny Parenting Terms Awkwurchase

Some people experience buyers remorse as they are buying something. Sucked into the inescapable gravitational pull of the purchasing process, maybe they feel they’ll look like a moron or worse, a poor person, abandoning items in front of store clerks and their fellow shoppers. Always watching. Always judging. “Ooooooo you grabbed a pack of size 2 diapers for your baby and it’s not even the right size? How is your child still alive!” Okay, maybe not, but it can seem like that in line, if your hands are getting slippery with sweat as they grip a pack of the wrong size diapers.

There are, of course, people who have no problem with this. They’ve got the brass to just say no way when they realized the item was: too expensive, not really needed, not intended for their gender, not actually a “hand” massager, etc., or because they’re simply exercising their right to change their own damned minds. But other people can choke and, like deer caught in the store’s bright over-head lights, swipe their cards with a shit-eating grin and hope no one recognizes them tomorrow when they come back to return it because “their friend didn’t like it” or something. In the case that they don’t have a friend in bad need of size 2 diapers.

Shhhhhh. Your secret is safe with me. And the rest of the Internet.



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  • Katie says:

    This is totally me! I can put it away at any point before the register, but once I’m there and the price is higher than I thought, I’ll pay a ridiculous amount for something I don’t like that much. God forbid a stranger I’ll never see again think I’m poor! Growing up poor makes you weird.
    Glad I’m not alone!

    • Andy says:

      Ha ha! There’s what’s called POS (point of sale) and it has its PONR (point of no return). 😉

  • Jo says:

    My sister is on disability and was just recently telling me about having to leave everything she had put in her cart at the store at the check-out and leaving because she had left her bridge card (food stamps) at home… Talk about embarrassing!! O_o

    • Andy says:

      Yikes. Yeah, that’s a rough one. I would have said that I left the washing machine on fire at home or something.

  • Ariel says:

    I have done that, Jo, and yes, it is embarrassing!

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