Every Day There’s A Moment


I’m crying. I don’t even entirely know why.

Time is a formless substance, a vapor until we have children and then it condenses into the form of emotional precipitation. Sure, we lose loved ones or look back to the milestone moments speaking to us from the past, but parenthood changes all of that. We see the past, present and future in ways we never could have anticipated. We are bound to time.

Even now, I am struck by the fact that my son has grown so much. His personality forming, we become closer friends as the weeks go by. I am struck by how far we’ve come. How much older I feel. How much youth has drifted from me in such a short time though I am invigorated by the potential of the years ahead.

We are expecting another baby, another anchor in time and place to root myself. Another north star for me to guide my ship and navigate my journey.

The video below has me in tears. Life is so fleeting and so infinite. We ride on a current of some unknown force carrying us down this river of experience. Sometimes we have a rudder. Sometimes we just float along. But the motor of it all is love. The ingress and egress of time is based on love.

A Second a Day from Birth. from Sam Christopher Cornwell on Vimeo.

I love you, my son and my child yet to be born.


  • I was checking out videos of my son from a year ago. It’s strange how similar he looks (two the; three now), but how much different he is as a person.

    We had a daughter in February and it’s scary how quickly she’s moved on from the teeny tiny baby stage.

  • Jim says:

    Time never moved like this for me as well. It is amazing to see this helpless baby morph into a person overtime. I am constantly amazed at watching my daughter become more independent and I know this is ONLY the beginning.

    We are expecting 2 more girls in the next 4 to 6 weeks. I know I am approaching the emotions around it differently this time, now having some Dad experience, and embracing the new challenges of juggling 3 kids, and 3 personalities.

    I have to agree with Charlie on how it affects your perception of time. You go from being most concerned about yourself as the world rotates around you, to becoming part of the rotation as you watch your children grow.

  • My Kids Mom says:

    Be careful– if you blink they will get on a school bus for middle school and you will have forgotten to say goodbye.

    (lonely, and yes, crying)

  • I’m reading this as my 1-year-old is sleeping on my chest and I realize I could live in this moment forever.

  • Nick says:

    What a great video. Just brings everything home about how you really have to soak up every single second. You can’t get the time back but with videos like this you can replay it.

  • Micky Shirley says:

    Absolutely beautiful! And yes, the time goes by so fast. Ours are now 26 and 30; and I want me some grand-babies sooo much!

  • Laurie says:


  • Deanna says:

    Video. Adorbs.

  • Jessica says:

    My two year old son LOVED this video. It’s so amazing to see the progression over the course of a year. Beautiful.

  • Jo says:

    AAhhh, life is far too short…makes you want to hug them and never let them go, doesn’t it?!?! My son would have turned 19 the 15th…He’s been in heaven for almost 9 years now. My baby will turn 17 in October…

    Forgive much and remember little…Live, laugh and love my friends. Enjoy every moment like it’s your last cuz ya never know when it might just be!! xo

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