Kid Definishons: “Undiewares”

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Kid Definishons Undiewares Definitions Funny Words

It’s a pretty safe assumption that if you’re reading this, you’ve probably been wearing underwear for several years. Hopefully not the same pair. Whatever the condition of your undergarments, you must admit it’s been a long time since your parents first slipped a pair of undies on you instead of a diaper.

You probably don’t pay them much mind, unless you put them on backwards or you’ve got a really annoying tag torturing the small of your back, but try to remember what you thought of underwear when you first started wearing them. Pretty weird, right?


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  • HEY! What’s that under there? —->

    HA! I made you say underwear!

    Man, I love that joke. My 5 year old, not so much anymore. “I know what you’re up to. I’m not going to say that.” *sigh* They grow up so fast.

    • Andy says:

      LOL! Oh they sure do. That’s a sad sort of moment, when your delight at some silly thing surpasses theirs. I just imagined my kids repeating the cycle with their own kids though and that makes me happy to contemplate. 🙂

  • Tessie says:

    My brother was allergic to disposables, so his potty training pants were basically extra thick underwear.

    His grandmother would give him loose change, which he promptly stored inside his new attire. Would jump up and down and jingle when he got enough change.

    As young as I was, I knew how dirty money was and would cringe ever time he added to his collection.

  • Wendalette says:

    @Tessie, and maybe that’s another way it gets dirty. Ew.

  • Laurie says:

    I can’t even imagine what I thought..Interesting. P.S why do kids put underwear on their head?

  • Jo says:

    Ha! King indeed! My kids called them ‘unnerwares’, go figure…

  • lw says:

    Kids put undies on their head because it fits. It’s the same thrill as when you discover your finger is the perfect size to fit up your nose.

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