College Student vs. Baby


College Student vs Baby Funny Comparison

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When kids go off to college we get misty eyed and clutch each other and say “we’re losing our little baby,” or some such choked-up sentiment. But, fortunately or unfortunately, sometimes that’s not as true as we may think. The similarities are still there. Our babies just got bigger, and started driving, and are possibly now off to college.

Think about it, if you dare.

Whether your baby is in a nursery or a dorm room, they’re both surrounded by thick books they’ll probably just skip to the end of. The music they listen to tends to drive you nuts. You might not admit it to other parents, but deep down you know your baby or college student may have a talent for making elaborate messes with toilet paper. They both still don’t seem to know what they want to do in life…

Maybe we don’t lose our little babies after all. It sure seems like they just got less small, but we’re still loving them and looking out for them. As long as they don’t move back in after they graduate.

Tips on Protecting Our College Babies

Sometimes we protect our kids to the point of utter absurdity; it’s our job. But we live in a world with new digital risks to our kids. No, not Minecraft!

Identity thieves can make easy prey of college students. It makes sense. You’ve got someone with most of the things of an adult life, without much of the experience. Easy target. LifeLock let us know about some rad points we parents can use to help the fools we call our kids to better protect their identities.

Get uncomfortably real with your kid about the identity-theft risk of trying to get a fake ID, throw in a birds and bees refresher if you feel like really watching them squirm.

Make sure they’re not dumb with their personal info when using campus wi-fi. Facebook, anyone?

Have them use credit over debit. It’s easier to deal, if a rip off happens.

Make sure their student ID isn’t the SAME AS THEIR SSN! No duh, right? But some schools do this!

For more info and help: visit LifeLock.

Disclosure: This Instructional Diagram is brought to you today by LifeLock, a leader in identity theft protection. All this is my own opinion, my illustrations and babbling don’t necessarily reflect the opinions of LifeLock or its staff.


The Rest of the Versus Series
What do a criminal, Godzilla, a redneck, Kanye West and a zombie have in common with a baby? Hmph! What DON’T they! 


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