“How Not To” Instructional Diagram: Baby Carriers


Baby Carrier How Not To Instructional Diagram


It has been said that “for every way to do something right, there are a thousand ways do it wrong.” Instruction manuals tend to concentrate on how-to’s, but trust us, the ways you can do or use something incorrectly is far more interesting. Whether it’s helpful is really secondary at How To Be A Dad. Maybe even more like seventhary or ninthary, but who’s counting, right!

Here we have a look at a basic tip for the proper use of baby carriers. They really are for use with infants only. As comfy as that baby may have looked to you, passed out in that little munchkin satchel at the mall, it is not worth trying to “give it spin” if you’re a full-grown adult. Aside from the hydrogen-bomb wedgie and loss of any circulation to your lower body, you’ll probably collapse the spine of the buddy you convinced to be the carrier, and that’s only if both of you actually successfully rig up the harness without hospitalization.


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Instructional Diagrams
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  • LOL too funny. I do hope this was not based on personal experience……….

    • andy says:

      That’s funny, because we wish it WAS based on personal experience. Charlie’s a strapping, young buck, which is good because I am a little soft and 6′ 1″.

      I promise that if we do try such a thing that we’ll video it and publish it so you can see for yourself. πŸ˜‰

  • therookiedad says:

    Damn so you mean my wife can’t carry me around in a carrier?

    • andy says:

      She probably CAN. But she shouldn’t. Mom’s get pretty strong carrying around the little ones, my wife at least is ripped.

  • Julio Ibanez says:

    Ohhhh, THAT’S what I’m doing wrong.

  • MotherDuck says:

    Hydrogen Bomb Wedgie is the name of my new band.

  • Love it. Guess it rules out teens who still act like babies!

    • andy says:

      Ha ha! It does rule out teens as well. Though we should have been more specific, since we here at HowToBeADad.com like to consider “baby” to be an age-non-specific term. It’s really a state of mind rather than a specific age range. πŸ˜‰

  • Melissa says:

    There’s not enough back support for the adult who is being carried around to rest comfortably. This should also not be attempted with a Moby wrap.

  • Chris says:

    Oh my goodness. I’ll just say that the Instructional Diagrams are still my favorite part of this site. From the thumbnail pic, I expected to see someone sitting on a baby, so I had to ell oh ell when I clicked on the link for a better look. I was grumpy. Thanks for that.

  • faunce says:

    at first i was like “yay a new post” but then i saw the date and silently cried inside.

      • faunce says:

        i hate you. -_- really dudes? i thought you guys were goners. you suck for playing that april fool joke! ah…but at least ur back now. πŸ™‚ so now the tears are gone and replaced with slight anger. or maybe thats last nights dinner. well, whatever it is, i’m sure it’s aimed towards you.

        • Andy says:

          Totally okay for you to be mad. We messed up. And we’re husbands/parents, so we’re getting accustomed to people being mad at us, so it won’t bug us. πŸ˜‰

          • faunce says:

            darn, maybe it’s the winky face, but naw, i could never be mad at ya’all. thanks for being awesome. i am always ur devoted fan. πŸ™‚

  • UaMV says:

    Now that you have the video category, do we get to see a video demonstration of this one? Simply to reinforce the reason this should not be done, of course.

    • Andy says:

      Ha ha! It’s always been a plan of ours, but we have to work out some home-made trapeze equipment so no one gets emasculated or has their spine shattered. πŸ˜‰

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