Parental Crossing Sign


Parental Crossing Sign

You’ve seen the pleasant Pedestrian Crossing signs where the silhouettes of a man and a woman move across some black lines. He gallantly holds the arm of the woman and they both have neat little bags in their arms, probably laptops they’ll whip out at the local Starbucks. They’re pedestrians, it’s what they do. Well, let’s fast forward past their whirlwind romance, passed their staring into each other’s eyes and hiding their smiles behind the rims of their choice of caffienated beverage… They’ve got three kids now. And they are making their Hellish way across those black lines. They’ll get there eventually, so don’t honk, you bastard. It’s rough enough managing three little stick figures.

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  • […] it makes crossing streets perilous (thanks to How To Be a Dad for the suggested street signs by our house), but our daughter is more and more assuming that she gets to help, and that she has a […]

    Outstanding. Just linked to this from a post I wrote, as it explains the situation perfectly. πŸ™‚

  • Avara says:

    LOL! This is so funny! And so true! I feel like I have my hands full with one child…can’t imagine having three!!!

  • Desiree says:


  • […] this image pretty much sums up what traveling with kids can feel like. -How to Be a […]

  • Steve says:

    nice! thanks for reminding me of how absurd we all look lol

  • Christine says:

    Gave me a much needed laugh this morning. Thanks. Does that sign work for grandparents too? LOL

  • Donna says:

    You must have been following me and my brood of 5 for the last few years. The sign about 2 miles before it should be like one of those “Slow Children Playing Ahead” or “Watch for Children Playing Ahead” signs, except it should read “Watch for Thrashing and Tantruming Children Ahead”. The Sign 2 miles down the road should read “You made it…Bar next 2 exits”

    • andy says:

      Hilarious! And yes, that’s all Charlie and I do when we’re not blogging: follow people around. You may even have a tracking device embedded under your skin without even knowing it. Don’t be upset. It’s necessary… for Science! πŸ˜‰

  • Mary says:

    Boy, this looks familiar. My oldest son has Autism and has been known to plank in the middle of the street during a tantrum. We only have 2 kids, so I picture this sign without the middle child: there’s me carrying my baby girl and my purse, and my husband his “man bag” and trying to get my son off the street. Ah, memories.

    • andy says:

      Ha ha ha! Hey! Don’t put quotes on the man bag! Ha ha ha ha! Ahhh, memories. They’re happening all the time.

  • Debra says:

    Brilliant…we need the tee shirt or cap to wear at
    all times when out with kids. Who needs established crossings,
    we can make our own…saves some time.

  • Debra says:

    Hello,they do have the tee shirt!

  • ZoE says:

    I’m a New Yawka….that sign would last 3 days in Manhattan before it is knocked down by a taxi. πŸ™‚

  • You forgot one! It’s the tiny toddler suddenly jerking their hand out of yours and running out into traffic while you chase after them looking completely ridiculous not being able to catch up until they decide to stop because you cannot run as fast as their little legs can carry them…or is that just me?

    • Andy says:

      No on both counts: it is NOT just you (oh god), and I didn’t forget the little runaway, he/she’s just off frame. πŸ˜‰

  • Amanda says:

    Oh my god. I seriously thought it was just me. I had all but convinced myself that my children were clearly demon spawn sent to crush what is left of my sanity. Thank you for clearing that up and giving me hope. πŸ™‚

    • Andy says:

      You are sooooooooooooooo not alone. Welcome to the last remaining thread of sanity. Try not to swing, it’ll make you snap faster. πŸ˜‰

  • Christina says:

    I wish this came in a tin sign I could hang at home or in a poster format. Am I missing that option?

  • Katie says:

    I live in Southern California and down by the Mexico border there is actually a sign similar to this. A mom with a kid in the air in the front and back of her, running across the street

  • Janina says:

    Yesterday while walking through a busy parking lot my theee year old decided he had to be a cat, dropped on all fours and insisted on crawling. I tried to convince him to walk while stimutaneouly juggle my 9 month old and my friends newborn we were babysitting. Cars whizzed by us not even caring. If only there was this sign.

  • Janina says:

    Yesterday while walking through a busy parking lot my three year old decided he had to be a cat, dropped on all fours and insisted on crawling. I tried to convince him to walk while stimutaneouly juggle my 9 month old and my friends newborn we were babysitting. Within seconds I had three screaming babies. Cars whizzed by us not even caring. If only there was this sign. =)

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